ILA Tier & Staking System Go Live!

Infinite Launch
2 min readApr 21, 2022


We are excited to announce that ILA tier & Staking system have been successfully merged.

Those with the snapshot accounts, please follow the below instructions:

  • Step 1: Go to profile and Unlock all ILA at V1 (No fee will be applied)
  • Step 2: Lock the unlocked ILA at V1 to V2 to receive the latest APR corresponding to each tier, only with the similar required amount of ILA as of the old tier system.

Important notes:

  • Snapshot list:
  • If your account is among the snapshot list, in order to level up your tier, you will need to lock an additional amount of ILA as requested for higher tier(s).
  • If your account is among the snapshot list & you have already locked your tier to Pool V2, your ILA unlock will remove your ownership of your current tier, and the only way to regain the ownership is through locking the required amount of ILA as specified in the latest tier system.
  • If your account is not in the snapshot list, you will need to lock the amount of ILA as specified in the below table to own the corresponding tiers.
  • If you unlock ILA within 60 days since they are locked into Pool V2, you will receive the corresponding penalties as follows.
  • Farming pool will go live in the next few days with fixed APR at 200%. If you are yet to unlock ILA from current pools, please proceed to unstaking with zero fee



Infinite Launch

Infinite Launch — Cross-chain launchpad for disruptive Gamefi & NFT projects